Register for our brand new live course, new Grateful Gatherings beginning around the globe, and more
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March 2024 Newsletter

Dear Friend,

For the past six months I have been deep in the scholarship of Br. David Steindl-Rast and other great minds to better understand hope. My studies were challenging and exhilarating! 

Hope is often confused with optimism. It also frequently gets swept up in clichés that seldom offer anything of substance for confronting adversity, injustice, and moments in human history where it feels like the world is falling apart. This is a terrible shame because hope offers exactly what we need in order to endure, thrive, and progress. What I have learned in my study is that hope asks a lot of us. It requires us to discern and become a people of possibility. 

This soul work, as guest speaker Dr. Simran Jeet Singh will share in our upcoming course, compels us to embody our values and share this light with each other. Also joining us are Dr. John Paul Lederach, who will help us realize that hope work is our shared work and it dwells among us; Maggie Jackson, who will show us the opportunity that exists within uncertainty; Cristina Pato, who will speak to finding hope while wrestling with purpose; and Mingyur Rinpoche, who will share his story of leaving his monastery in India to rediscover the world and encounter joy and hope among the people. 

Earlier this month, role models for what it means to have a hopeful spirit completed our Grateful Gatherings Host Training. This emerging global movement with hosts in 29 countries will provide space for people to cultivate their grateful living practice in community through rich dialogue and empowering resources from our organization. Our newly trained hosts are giving an incredible gift to their communities and beyond.

As we approach the launch of our Grateful Hope course, I am arriving with a passionate heart — not despite everything going on in the world, but because of it. Join us, and let’s grow together through grateful hope!

In Grateful Hope,

Joe Primo
CEO, Grateful Living


Learn the differences between hope, optimism, and individual hopes; develop practices for cultivating hope; and discover the role of hope in the face of suffering, injustice, and despair during our upcoming live course, Grateful Hope. Special guests joining us include Simran Jeet Singh, John Paul Lederach, Maggie Jackson, Cristina Pato, and Mingyur Rinpoche.

Learn more and register…


Community Reflections: Me to We

Every day, we share a Daily Question on our website, community platform, and social media channels to inspire grateful reflection. Recently, we asked our community, "When I shift my focus from me to we, what seems possible?" Enjoy reading the thoughtful and moving responses.

Read the responses and add your own…

Welcoming 180+ New Grateful Gatherings

Earlier this month we completed our four-part training series for Grateful Gatherings Hosts. Nearly 200 new Gatherings will be launching as a result, bringing conversations with purpose to life around the globe. Want to join an online or in-person Gathering? New Gatherings will be open to the public soon — stay tuned for details!


What Is the Difference between Gratitude and Grateful Living?

Gratitude comes easily when things are going well, but how can you connect with gratitude when life inevitably gets challenging? This essay makes a distinction between gratitude, gratefulness, and grateful living.

Continue reading…

“I have for many years appreciated the resources and inspiration from the Grateful Living website. Now I can continue to deepen my own gratefulness practice along with others. Thank you to those who have paved the way for more people to be involved in sharing the insights and wisdom of simple living.”

- New Grateful Gathering Host

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